How I caught that monster snook

by Ryan Mullany
(Tampa, Florida)


It "snooked" something like this.

Well it all started when I was throwing my cast net. I saw a pin fish and went to follow it but I lost it. On the way back, I was looking down and there it was, s monster snook. So I dropped my cast net, and ran and hopped a fence to get my fishing pole and a live greenback. As I hopped the fence. my foot slipped and I almost fell into the water. Instead, I caught myself with my arm on the post, pulled myself up, and got my fishing pole and that greenback. As I looked down the snook was gone, but I sill cast out and opened my spool. I laid it down and turned away. As I turned back around, my I saw my float drifting away, I picked up my fishing pole and gave it a whip. About five minutes later there it was, the monster snook.

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